Friday, July 29, 2011

Reasons Why I love Him...

He asked me why I love him. I can never get all the words out and just tell him why. My mind just goes blank. So I'll spill my guts out in written words. Now I'll ask myself...Why do I love him?
I love him because he loves me.
He is my best friend.
I think about and worry about him every day.
He has shown me my true self.
He is handsome through my eyes.
He has a big heart and help anyone in desperate need of help.
I'm attracted to him and he is attracted to me.
I love his soft eyes, his beautiful long lashes.
I love the way he smiles.
I love the way he naturally smells.
I do love his belly even though he doesn't.
I love the feeling of his strong arms and legs. The feeling of his muscles and strength.
I love his lips and the feeling against mine. His tender kisses.
He knows my tickle spots and I know his.
How we both know each others turn ons.
He is proud of me.
He wants children.
He has proven to be a wonderful father for my future children.
He is kind, caring, loving, and also disciplined.
He has great family values and puts family first no matter how distant.
He respects me.
He is a true person. True to himself and me.
He believes in my talents and skills.
He is my number one fan. I know this just by the way he talk to everyone about the things I do and could accomplish.
He gives me motivation to be a better person, not for him but for myself.
He always keeps me safe from harm when I'm not paying attention with incoming cars.
He will follow me anywhere to just make sure I am alright.
He worries about me when he loses sight of me in a big crowd or large unfamiliar place.
Always double checks to makes sure I'm right by his side when traveling.
He always sends I love you messages while he is at work.
He calls me just to say I love you and check in on me when I'm home all by myself.
He loves to surprise me. Even if I don't do well with surprises.
He loves me without make-up, just the way I am when I wake up in the morning.
He has a very forgiving heart with me.
He is romantic in his own way.
He always thinks I'm beautiful and at times cute.
He has never given up on me.
He enjoys always having my company, for the most part.
He can always make me laugh with his own weird sense of humor.
He knows everything about me and still wants to be with me.
I love the sound of his voice when he sings.
He is a hard working man. I appreciate all the hard work he does.
He is the most skilled man I know with his hands. I believe he can do almost anything.
He wants to grow old little me.
The intimate moments is always great.
He laughs at my natural weirdness.
He tries his best just to make me happy.
He will try to get me anything I want if we can afford it.
He makes sure I have everything I need.
He takes complete care of me when I am sick, making sure I'll be fine.
Tells me to go to the doctor when I'm sick or in pain and being stubborn no matter how much it will cost.
My health and well being is always at the top of his list.
He isn’t embarrassed to buy me underwear.
He isn’t afraid to tell me how he is feelings. When he is down or angry.
He isn’t ashamed to cry in front of me. Especially when watching home make over or sappy movies and shows.
He tries to teach me everything about automotive and like my help when working on vehicles.
He is a good driver. Fast yet safe...
He is my strength and my weakness.
He loves to take showers together.
He is a great cook. Makes sure I'm never hungry and cooks for me even though he gets mad cause I'm to lazy to cook, even after he has spent a long day at work.
He is my hero. Ready to catch me if I fall at any time.
He doesn’t mind going shopping with me and has some good taste in clothes.
He also always helps me find the best deals.
I feel safe in his arms.
I love being able to fall asleep besides him every night.
I love waking up besides him every morning.
I can be myself whenever I am with him.
I love the way we dropped our names and are known to each other as babe, babes, baby, or honey.
I love the look in his eyes, they tell me he loves me without having to say a word.
I love laying my head on his bare chest and feeling his heart beat, letting me know that he is alive and well.
At times I still get butterflies when he kisses me.
I love to watch him sleep and even stare at him while he's awake, even though it creeps him out.
I love the way he wraps his arms around me and holds me tight. No matter who's around or how busy he is, smoking or cooking.
I love his voice over the phone.
I do love that he is taller than me. I love looking up to him as my man.
I love that he demands respect but isn’t controlling.
I can go and have fun without him as long as I'm safe and enjoying myself.
I love how he wants to make up after a fight. He never wants to be mad at me.
We can glance at each other from across the room and know what each other is thinking.
We have plans for our future together.
How he forgives me over and over when I do something wrong. Even when I don't intentionally make him mad because I act before thinking.
I love how he always puts me before himself.
How he isn’t afraid to speak his mind. He tells it like it is.
How he makes me feel when I think thank I'm not worth anything. Even when he is beating me in a video game.
He always cheers me up and makes sure I come in second place.
He watches movies that we both enjoy just so I don't feel left out when I'm bored and have nothing better to do.
He makes sure my bills are all payed and never past due.
He appreciates the hard work I do keeping the house clean.
He is always there for me when I need someone to turn to no matter what.
The way he holds my hands.
I love listening to his stories of his life.
The way he explains when I really don’t understand something. Even though it still doesn't make sense. It's really cute unless I'm in a stressed situation.
Every time he looks at me my heart beats faster, excited know that he belongs to me and I have his heart.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Unusual Gift Wrapping

I love getting or making gifts for my friends, wrapping them up and surprising them. The biggest surprise is their faces after seeing their gifts beautifully wrapped in duct tape.  
I usually love colors and such but I the normal gray duct tape was all I had to wrapped my little brother Patrick's graduation gift. Totally cute right? First things first though, make sure you place the gift in a box first. Doesn't matter what box or how ever ugly it may be. No one is going to see how the box looks.
As a contrast to the gray duct tape, I used black electrical tape to create the ribbon. Also bejeweled it with glue on jewels. I do collect a lot of Hello Kitty and Sanrio product, so I always end up saving the tags and using them as gifting to and from labels. I glue blank pieces of paper to the back of the price tag to cover the bar-code or any prices showing, cutting off the edges of extra paper around the price tag. Use the blank page to write the to and from label. I like using metal and silver objects to give my crafts a rock & roll edge so I used a silver safety pin to attach the tag to the gift ribbon.

Comes in handy when you don't have any wrapping paper available. A nice and cute, creative way to wrap a gift. Once all if wrapped and finished, the fun begins. Have fun watching your friends try to open you duct tape gift...

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Duct Tape Love For Fashion


I truly LOVE duct tape. It's an all time passion of mine. With duct tape there is just an unlimited amount of possibilities as long as you have great imagination and creativity. You can make anything with duct tape. I believe that a tub of ice-cream and just tape can fix anything.

One of my favorite creations that I made out of duct tape was a black and pink wallet, created with all the works. A metal clasp, pockets, and zippers. Inspired by Hello Kitty, I fell in love with the big pink bow look. Hence where I got the design for this wallet.
The "S" cut out sticker on the wallet was a nice cute touch, considering that this wallet was made for a very special and close friend of mine. We have been friend since the mini me days... Stephanie (Step-on-me), I love you girl! hahaha... 

Hello Kitty Gone Animal Wild

I'm so totally addicted to Hello Kitty. She is just too cute. I just had to take my addiction to a whole new level by using my sketching & inking skills to make the famous little Hello Kitty covered in wild animal prints. A few friends requested a drawing for their own personal use & I just could help myself. Hello Kitty and animal print was meant to belong together. Tried to spice things up & it turned out to be totally CUTE!!!
An old co-worker of mine made the first request after taking a look through my random sketch book. I agreed & to keep myself entertained from my boring life, this was my first wild animal Hello Kitty imitation. Simplicity is always best, I think... 
After taking notice of the Hello Kitty I drew for Jenny, I got two more request & I decided to make them a little more than just simple. Already using themed Hello Kitty designs as my reference.  Thank you Sanrio for their famous Hello Kitty character designs.
If anyone would like to request one for themselves, feel free to ask me. I would gladly like to make one for you. Just leave me with your mailing address and a short request description. Tips are well accepted and appreciated.